Monthly Archives: August 2017

The plan

Which brings me to today: pissed off at what an asshole I have been about attaining mastery of the global business of wine and embracing a new attitude of urgency.

That said, I do have the luxury of time. Though see? That passive attitude just crept up again. “I have all the time in the world!!” But let me explain:

Given where I am as a candidate, the June 2017 exams would have been my second out of three attempts. But as I indicated before, I had the good fortune of falling in love and now we’re getting married and it turns out that weddings are expensive (yes, I’m still trying to talk him into eloping). With the $10,000-15,000 annual expenses to pursue the MW, I don’t know how to do that and save up for a wedding on my little wine industry income (my darling is a flight attendant, so we both have to make adjustments to save up for our big day).

Oh, did I show you my gorgeous engagement ring?

So plan A was to sit in June 2017 and take 2018 off (to save money and get married).

Buuuuuuuuut where I am in the program (I’ve already taken my one year off), I would be out of the program in 2018 and have to re-apply. It took me a while to work out the machinations, but basically a candidate gets three attempts in four years (so one year ‘off’). I already took that year off so I can’t take 2018 off as well without losing my candidacy.

So after a few weeks of sleepless nights, and worried as fuck, Plan B was developed: I decided to drop my candidacy as of the 2018-2019, rejoin in the fall of 2019. The big risk here is that I have to reapply and they are *way* more strict about letting people in the program than they were in 2011 when I started this jam.

I only have one more shot at this. That’s the new attitude.

And so I want to use this blog to record the mess that is preparing for the Master of Wine exams.

Did I show you my engagement ring?? It’s so perfect!!!

I have a weekly plan set up (version 12 this calendar year, if you care to know) dividing the Theory syllabus into chunks and the Practical into countries (with major associated varieties) and styles (like sweet wines, old world sparkling, rosés, etc.).

The plan is to attack one theory topic each week and show you my mastery paragraph (a summary paragraph on the topic – I learned the mastery paragraph technique from Doug Frost, MW, MS). I will be doing writing drills for theory but not until after the madness of OND. I’m not sure how to summarize the practical knowledge for you.

Did I mention I’m starting a new job (and creating a new division) for my company in October?

Anyway, I would love to hear your feedback on my studies — positive or negative.

Me drinking one of many coffees to come in the next few years.  Oh – and you can see my engagement ring in this photo too!

I am so pissed off

You know what fucking pisses me off? How passive I have been with my MW studies.

Some background:
2004 – Discover wine via a RadioHead concert at MSG
2005 – Start WSET studies while working as an i-banker at JPMorgan.
2008 – Leaving banking. Spend the summer living in Paris; start studying wine more “seriously”.  Take a part time wine retail job in the fall.
2009 – Officially join the wine industry full time as a sommelier.
2010 – Realize I hate working restaurants and join a distributor
2011 – complete WSET Diploma exams
2015 – Move to the supply side.

So while I’ve stumbled into the wine industry, my pursuit of the Master of Wine has very much been conscious. And here I am…six years after starting the program and I have absolutely fucking NOTHING to show for it.

I joined during the 2011/2012 year and despite passing Stage 1 (sounds like cancer, doesn’t it?), I have wandered through my studies and have not passed either Theory or Practical since then.

Which brings us to today:
2016/2017 –In the past year I have not only moved to a new city where I know no one except my hunk-of-man-meat, but I had an awful employer in the fall of 2017 so I started another new job just a few months later in December 2017. Am I ready for the exam? Fuck, no. But I still have two attempts left.

And that’s what pisses me off!!! My passive attitude!

That attitude of “well, I’ll give it a shot but I still have X many attempts left.”

This is me, super angry. Also? I just went to the dentist.

How the fuck do I think I’m going to somehow ‘do my best’ and pass this excruciating difficult examination to demonstrate my mastery of the global business of wine.

Even more annoying? Between course fees, books/magazines, wines to taste and travel, let’s conservatively say I’ve spent $10,000 per year or $60,000 towards the MW and I have nothing to show for it. Not a fucking thing.  Sixty thousand fucking dollars.

So all of this? Fucking pisses me off.